Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in permanent makeup! This page is dedicated to some of the most common questions asked about microblading and other forms of permanent makeup. Please read the page in its entirety before booking your appointment to ensure you are a good candidate and are fully prepared before your appointment. Getting the best results starts before you ever step foot in my studio! I am so looking forward to meeting you at your appointment and creating your dream brows, I can’t wait to meet you!

  • What is Microblading?

    Microblading is a form of permanent makeup where a small blade is used to create thin lines throughout a persons brows, giving the illusion of a full, natural brow. Is it a semi-permanent procedure, with

    results lasting 1-3 years.

    Microblading is meant to be a natural enhancement, and to create the appearance of full, beautiful brows. It looks most natural on clients who have full brow hair, and are wanting to perfect their shape and add natural fullness. The more fine hair you have, the more natural it will appear. This is not an ideal service for those with little natural hair, hair that is patchy, or coarse hair.

    Microblading heals best on young, normal/dry skin. Those with combination/oily or aging skin are not candidates for microblading, and are better suited for a combination or powder brows.

    Many clients think that microblading is the only way to achieve “natural” results. However, unless a client is an ideal candidate, microblading can look more unnatural that something like a combo or powder brow. If you do not fit the above description of an ideal microblading candidate, book a combo or powder brow!

    It is also important to note that microblading, over time, is very likely to blur together. While initially the strokes may look crisp and thin, if you have oily skin, aging skin, are in the sun frequently, or other reasons, the strokes will blur together. Microblading can typically be done by itself 4-5 times before a client switched to a powder brow to avoid scar tissue build up.


    A combination brow combines microblading strokes with machine shading. Like microblading, results typically last several years depending on your skin type.

    If you have naturally sparse brow hair or uneven brow growth, a combination brow is perfect for you! Soft shading blends out any unevenness in the growth and can give a more 3D result. It is also idea for those looking for a more defined or filled in brow. We can add as much or as little shading to give a variety of different looks!

    This is a beautiful look for all skin types (including oily/aging skin), and heals very soft and beautiful.

    If you are unsure of what service to book, a combination brow is the safest choice!


    Unlike microblading or a combination brow, a powder brow (also known as an ombre brow) has no hair strokes and is made up entirely of machine shading. It is ideal for all skin types.

    When doing a powder brow, a single needle tattoo machine implants small dots of pigment below the skin. These dots are layered on top of each other until the desired amount of saturation is achieved. We can do a very soft amount of shading with no harsh edges for an ultra natural look, or layer shading on top of each other for a more defined, fill in look! Powder brows can be completely customized to fit the clients preferences.

    A powder brow can be just as natural as microblading! If you have oily skin, large pores, uneven brow hair growth, or very coarse hair, microbladed strokes look very unnatural and don’t blend with the natural hair. It can lead to blotchy, uneven ink saturation in the skin, and blurred results over time. A powder brow would give an even layer of color of the brow, healing to the perfect powdery finish! Powder brow are not “sharpie brows”, and have gorgeous results!

    Like the other brow styles, a powder brow is semi-permanent and will fade over time. However, this style typically lasts the longest, creates the least amount of trauma, and fades the best over time!

    Powder brows may look intense at first, but the results heal to a soft, powdery finish. If you fill in your brows every day, want the least amount of maintenance, or want even results that last, book your powder brow appointment today!


    Permanent makeup is designed to fade over time, but is still considered a tattoo. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, and pigment color affect the longevity of the tattoo. The sun and some kinds of lighting (tanning beds) can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. Following the given aftercare instructions is critical to getting your best healed results, and touch-up your brows every 12-24 months (as needed). Touch-ups are normal and expected for permanent cosmetics. Picking the proper service for your skin type and following the proper aftercare will lead to beautiful results for years to come!

    *Please note that final results vary and CANNOT be guaranteed due to the nature of skin as it heals. A follow-up appointment is recommended 6-12 weeks after your initial session where we can assess your pigment retention and perfect your permanent makeup!


    Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for permanent makeup. I want each of my clients to get the absolute best results possible, and not every skin type accommodates that. The following list disqualify you from currently receiving permanent makeup. With questions regarding your specific question, please email

    You are not a candidate if you…

    Received Botox/Dyport within 14 days of your scheduled appointment

    Pregnant or breastfeeding

    Currently using or have been on Accutane within the last 12 months

    Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face


    Are taking blood thinning medications (may be a candidate for powder brows, please email

    Are currently undergoing treatment for cancer

    Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment within last 12 months

    All clients must be at least 18 years old


    Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hair strokes to blur and fade very quickly, or not stick at all. If you have combination or oily skin, you are a candidate for a combination or powder brows, but not for microblading.

    Sun Exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. I recommend all my clients purchase Cannasmack Ink Guard on Amazon to protect their healed brows from the sun.

    Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during your procedure will greatly affect how your body retains pigment. Pinpoint bleeding throughout the procedure is normal, but excessive bleeding causes pigment to fade very quickly and heal ashy. While bleeding is not entirely in our control, it is important that you follow before care instructions to help minimize bleeding. This includes avoiding blood thinning medications and alcohol 24 hours before your procedure.

    Improper Pre and Post Care: Not following the given pre and post care instructions will greatly diminish your healed results. Follow all instructions exactly for the best results! I can only control what happens inside my studio, so please come prepared beforehand and follow all instructions exactly afterwards for the best results.


    Most clients report little to no pain throughout their procedure. While pain tolerance varies between clients, a topical Lidocaine is used throughout the procedure to make sure you’re comfortable.

  • + What is Lip Blush Tattoo?

    Lip Blush Tattoo it’s either a great alternative to fillers or surgery or it can be done in conjunction with these procedures. Many of our clients do both to maximize the effectiveness of lip enhancement treatments.The lip enhancement includes a soft blending into the lips so there is no line of demarcation. It will enhance the fullness of the lips. This is done in two sessions.

    + What are the benefits of lip blush?

    -Lips appear more defined without surgery or fillers

    -Restores color to lips that have become pale

    -Corrects Blurred lip lines

    -Covers scars and hypopigmentation

    -No more “bleeding” lipsticks

    -Make lips appear fuller and larger

    -Eliminates the daily use of pencils to outline, fill-in, or reshaping lip borders

    + How old do I have to be to get tattooed?

    You must be 18 years or older.

    + Can I get tattooed if I’m pregnant or nursing?

    As a precaution, we do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant or nursing women.

    + What if I can’t decide on a pigment?

    You and your artist will discuss which colors suit you based on your skin tone but of course your personal preference comes into play too. You can always enhance or change the color of your lips at anytime with conventional makeup. Your new lip tattoo is designed to act as a base, so it doesn’t mean you should throw out your lippy collection at all. You should never use lipstick during the healing process, but once everything is fully healed up, you can use lipsticks, glosses and balms as usual.

    + What factors affect Lip Blush Tattoo?

    Bleeding during the procedure: Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Caffeine, alcohol, certain food or drink, and medications act as blood-thinners and should avoided 48 hours prior to your appointment. For a full list of what to avoid 48 hours to your appointment click here. Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your tattoo, and may also change the color appearance of the pigment. Lifestyle: smokers, "sun worshippers", or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress may have less desirable results. It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

    + Does it hurt?

    Of all permanent makeup procedures, the permanent lip enhancement procedure is the most sensitive. However, we do numb your lips prior to and throughout the procedure with a highly effective topical anesthetic for your comfort. Pre-Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessing bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

    -Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

    -If you are a frequent smoker or "sun worshipper" the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and also can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results.

    + What should I do before & after the procedure?

    Please review our detailed “Pre & Post Care” Instructions. It is highly beneficial to follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results. DO NOT rub or pick the healing area as the color will peel off prematurely, and avoid extreme heat, sweating, and contaminated bodies of water (such as saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms, pools, lakes, and places with hot humidity, etc.).

    + How do I prepare for this procedure?

    You MUST understand that if you have EVER had chicken pox, a fever blister, or a cold sore, you MUST take Zovirax, Famvir or Valtrex or other anti-viral pre and post procedure to help prevent the outbreak of cold sores. There are NO exceptions to this rule! If you do have an outbreak, it will usually occur on the third (3rd) day following lip color application. This rule holds true for each and every time you have any amount of permanent lip tinting applied. You will need to call your physician in order to obtain your prescription strength anti-viral medication. You must inform them of your decision to have your lips permanently tinted and they will need to call your prescription in for you to pick up at your pharmacy.

    + If I have had a lip filler injection already, am I still a candidate for permanent lip color??

    No, we do not do permanent lip enhancement over lips which have had lip filler injected into them. This is because you must realize that the lip filler and the lip color will be sharing the same space within your lips. If the filler has taken up most of the space, or even some of the space, your permanent lip tint will have little space for implantation, and you will have poor results. It is recommended that you have the permanent lip enhancement first and then the lip filler injection once lips are healed.

    + How will my lips look immediately after?

    Your lips will look slightly larger than normal and look as though you may have had a slight lip filler injection. The degree of this varies from person to person. For most clients, the swelling happens in a few hours. However, the lip color will look quite dark, like lipstick. You need to know that the size of your lips will shrink back to normal and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 4 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first, the edges last. Right after the procedure lips normally feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. Lips will feel better with each day.

    + How long is the healing process?

    Expect moderate swelling, usually one to three days following the procedure. Scabs will make the lips feel thick. Lips will fade up to 50% after the first 5 days. While healing, the tattoo will look spotty. This is due to oxidation of the pigment and the redness of the skin. Two or three permanent makeup applications may be required to achieve the desired results. An Enhancement Session visit approximately 8-12 weeks after your first initial appointment is necessary in order to achieve that richness of color, achieve symmetry, and density in the shape.

    + How long does Lip Blush last?

    Color can last up to 3 years! Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your enhancement session and make any changes. LIPS WILL NOT BE COMPLETED AFTER JUST ONE SERVICE. At least two appointments are needed initially. Each of these appointments being 8-12 weeks apart. At the second visit, your Complimentary Enhancement Session, we will assess the color retention and make any adjustments necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always go bolder at your next appointment.

    + How often is a touch-up needed?

    Lip color requires frequent touch-ups compared to other permanent makeup procedures due to the fact that the lips are very vascular and the body metabolizes the lip color at a rapid rate compared to other body parts which are not as vascularized.

    + What should I know about long term care?

    Touch-up appointments are optional. If you do not maintain, the color will lighten over time. Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency. We suggest that if you want to maintain your lips so that they always look their best plan on scheduling a touch up once a year for best results. The color will lighten over time. We recommend an annual touch up to keep brows looking their best. Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency, and if any chemical peels were done after your procedure. If you are planning a chemical peel, MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo. Careful application must be taken to avoid affecting the tattooed area. If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area. Laser may cause pigment to turn black. If you are planning an MRI or other medical procedure, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo. If you are planning to have laser treatments, tell your laser specialist to avoid the pigmented area. Laser may cause pigment to turn black..


    The Shade is a shaded eyeliner technique, shading is added with a fine dusting of pixels onto the eyelids. This treatment is designed to heal tonal, soft and smoky but can also be enhanced for a more dramatic shade.


    Classic eyeliner is a sophisticated and timeless looking liner, designed to enhance any eye shape. Stefanie will apply an elegant line through your lash line and just above your lashes, with an optional baby flick. The heal is a perfectly applied eyeliner.


    A bold black precision eyeliner. For clients who prefer a sharp, liquid liner look. I can tailor this liner to the length and depth you desire. The healed result is a sleek winged liner.


    Sometimes less is more. A very subtle liner, perfect for those who want to accentuate their eyes and give the illusion of fuller lashes. I can also add an optional baby flick.

    All treatments are individually bespoke to you. So if you’re a little unsure, I will guide you in what will look best.


    Eyeliner includes a consultation on the day of your treatment. We will decide the pigment choice and discuss the look you would like to achieve. A second review appointment will be booked for 4-8 weeks later. After the initial treatment, your eyes may have some minor swelling and may feel a little sore for a day or so. The pigment will appear stronger in colour, but this will lighten and soften as you heal.


Macro Lens view of Microblading on my client, immediately after her initial session.


Powder brow immediately after initial session. The brows will look warmer in color for the first 7 days until they are healed. During the healing process the brows shrink 30% in width, soften 40% in color and cool down in tone.

Combination brows immediately after the initial session. Brows will shrink by 30% and soften by 40% in color during the healing process.


The Wing.


The Classic.


The Shade.

Lash Enhancement.